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the matrix revolutions
the matrix
revolutions DVD
This movie is quite satisfying as an adrenalized action epic, marking yet another milestone in the exponential evolution of computer-generated special effects.

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star wars trilogy
star wars trilogy
This movie followed the mega-successful 20th-anniversary theatrical rerelease, in which Lucas personally remastered the image and sound quality of his baby. DVD

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Something's Gotta Give
gotta give
Something's Gotta Give is one of the year's best films and best comedies as it teams up Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton, who seemed to love every minute they shared onscreen. dvd movie.

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kill bill
kill bill
Tarantino's fourth film is either brilliantly (and brutally) innovative or one of the most blatant acts of plagiarism ever conceived. DVD edition.

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complete 7th season
Lots happened behind the scenes between seasons and early on in the seventh year of Friends, leaving audiences speculating this might be the last. DVD

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lost samurai
the last samurai
The Last Samurai gives epic sweep to an intimate story of cultures at a crossroads. Starring Tom Cruise and Tony Goldwyn. DVD Closed-captioned. Widescreen edition movie

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Lost In Translation
lost in translation
Like a good dream, Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation envelops you with an aura of fantastic light, moody sound, and head turning love. Color. Widescreen. Dolby.

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Schindler's List
schindler's list
A film about heroism with an unlikely hero at its center--Catholic war profiteer Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson), who risked his life and went bankrupt to save more than 1,000 Jews.

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